What Is Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) and How Does It Work?

The term animal-assisted therapy (AAT) refers to a type of treatment that uses animals. During AAT, which is a goal-oriented process, a therapist facilitates the interaction between the animal and the client.Humans and animals have a special connection, which is based on their temperaments and training to be used in treatment, specifically those with the appropriate temperament and training to do so. The use of this therapeutic method may help patients seeking treatment for mental health and drug addiction issues to feel more comfortable, safe, and supported while in therapy.

The term Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) refers to a variety of therapeutic approaches involving animalsTherapy animals and therapists form an important part of AAT. Animals such as dolphins, dogs, ferrets, horses,birds, cats,rabbits, cows, and Guinea pigs can be used in AAT.

Animal Assisted Therapy: Is It Effective?

While there is a lot of anecdotal evidence and case studies to back up AAT, there hasn't been much long-term research. To discover the optimum strategies for using AAT for maximal benefit, further rigorous controlled research is required.AAT may be especially helpful for individuals who struggle to remain in therapy since it may improve their empathy, communication, and socializing skills. AAT appears to have long-term, well-liked benefits.

How to Begin Working with Animals for Therapy

If you want to start AAT, talk to your doctor about finding a therapist in your area. Keep in mind that instead of having the animals come to you, you may need to travel to the location where they work.Look for a therapist who is certified, licensed, and has experience with AAT when you're looking for a therapist. You should also be at ease with their therapeutic approach and animal-assisted therapy. Make sure you're comfortable at your first appointment by making preparations ahead of time. You may need to:

  • Wear closed-toed shoes
  • Dress appropriately for the type of activity and the activities you are planning to participate in, depending on the AAT type
  • Bring sunscreen and water with you.

You may be asked during your initial consultation about your symptoms and reasons for seeking treatment. The doctor may also discuss your treatment plan and discuss your goals.A therapy animal trainer may also recommend safety measures or equipment related to therapy animals. During this time you can also ask questions and get to know your therapist and the animals which will be assisting you during the therapy session.

The Skyward Treatment CenterHas a Variety of Treatment Programs to Choose from. Animal Assisted Therapy at Its Finest

Animal therapy can help people with mental and physical illnesses and addictions, as well as their symptoms, overall well-being, and quality of life. Animal therapy may be beneficial for you or someone you love who is coping with a drug or mental health problem or is going through a difficult emotional moment.To discover more about animal therapy choices, speak with a healthcare professional such as a primary care physician, psychologist, or therapist. Skyward Treatment Center offers a one of a kind animal assisted therapy. To learn more, talk to our online team of experts.